December 16, 2024

The power of a new idea

When we meet with wealth management clients for the first time, one of the most satisfying (and common) moments occurs when we show them they have more options available to them in life than they realise.

When we meet with wealth management clients for the first time, one of the most satisfying (and common) moments occurs when we show them they have more options available to them in life than they realise.In fact it's not unusual for new clients to fear that their finances are in too big a mess to fix or that they haven't amassed enough to 'justify' seeing a financial planner.We listen to their concerns about their money, but we're just as interested in what they want to do with their life.And more often than not, this prompts a conversation they may not have thought about deeply before.For example, one new client revealed in the course of our chat that he'd always wanted to take his teenage daughter to Europe to show her where he'd grown up and to introduce her to relatives who still lived there. This was a goal he'd never mentioned previously, thinking it was beyond the family's reach.

Strategic wealth management

And so we began looking at closely at where they stood financially. Drawing on our knowledge and experience, we could quickly identify a way for them to free up some financial burdens that would allow the family to undertake this trip within 12 months without financial stress. This was a revelation to our clients – and you could see how lit up they were at the idea of it.We structured this goal, along with several others (such as being able to retire sooner than they had thought possible) into a strategic wealth management plan that was personalised to them, their circumstances and aspirations.The pieces of the plan were implemented and now we meet with these clients each year to check how they're tracking and to refine the strategy if necessary.Overall though, it was the power of a new idea that mobilised this action. It gave them an achievable target to aim for and a practical plan that led them towards it.As Robin Sharma says, 'All it takes is one new insight or idea – strongly acted on – to take you to a completely different place'.Everyday we see examples of clients ticking off their goals – and we are always delighted to help guide them along the way.If you are interested in having a no obligation, free chat about where you're at and where you're headed, please do reach out to us.With substantial experience under our belts, we’re confident we can help you make the most of your financial situation and reach goals you may not realise are there for the taking.Please contact us today to learn more.

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